
Traumas, Tribulations, Travels and Tomfoolery Down Under

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A breif glimpse into my scrambled unconcious...

I love telling people about my dreams, only because it guarentees a reaction-be that of hysterics, further interest, or fear and concern for my mental health.
Last nights was a cracker. I had a dream that where somehow my uni house from third year had been airlifted to japan with the decor of my curent apartement. My old housemates and I were doing what we always did at uni- bicker, form alliances and play drinking games. I specifically remember feeling really drunk in my dream and wanting to get more sober. So I went outside for some fresh air. Then I noticed where out outside washing machine used to be there was some very clean and fancy public toilets. So I went inside, grabbed a cubical and decided to take a little nap. (who knew sleeping could be done within a dream eh?) When I woke up I went back into the house and got a load of abuse from my freinds that I had been hammered and made a fool of myself at someones elses party. This someone else transpired to be my best freind from Nursery who I havent seen in about 19 years. When I protested that I'd slept in the toilet they produced video evidence. In the video I was sitting on someones shoulder (!) giving everyone at the party character assasinations. And somehow my parents were there, dissaproving.
Merriment, sleeping in toilets, guilt and shame, its all in a nights sleep.


At 7:54 pm, Blogger Cinnacism said...

Sleeping in a dream, truly profound. I'm afraid you've derailed my brain for the evening.

At 12:08 am, Blogger Lauren said...

Hey Kat!! Am loving the blog...and the new look is great!

At 12:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there takes me back to high school days when you used to write this random shit in letters. Bless, as a friend I think it would only be gracious of me to tell you for the millionth time that your spelling is terrible!!! Suppose that's why I love you. Big up the Yanain massif!

At 9:40 am, Blogger Kat said...

Thanks peeps, glad you're enjoying it...and sam-i am not a bad spellrr but rather a spelling anarchist XX


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