Recently there has been an American visitor to my school who's on an exchange visit. It's his first time in Japan and he came here on a bit of a whim I think (read:he knew nothing about the place before he came.) This encounter has lead me to realise how used to this place I am. Not only does he find everything exciting/weird/puzzling but he has me inwardly screaming with mortification at least 10 times a day. Heinous japanese social atrocities include:
-sitting on a desk in class even after I told him its a bit frowned upon
-haveing his hands in his pockets ON STAGE making a speech
-leaning back on his chair so noone can get past him in the staff room
-leaving his lunch tray on the desk and not putting the bowls back ect
It's quite ridiculous how appauled I am at these actions that wouldn't really be anything too rude back home. It really made me re-realise how considerate and group aware japanese people are. And me more so now hopefully. Also that theres a certain way to communicate with Japanese students that doesnt involve any degree of natural speech ("you guys/and stuff" leave them baffled)
This place is a bubble, you forget that the rest of the world ticks by without RULES. Rules control the fun don't you know. Note to self:anarchy can be resumed when arriving back in Blighty. I may even blow my nose in public. That'll show em.
How interesting.
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