Seenas I go to shitloads of different schools for my job, its actually a small miracle (given my scatterbrain tendencies) that I have managed to go to the right school everyday.
Until today that is.
After getting up at 7am, (nasty) I went to a school I've never been to before. It was deserted. No kids, no teachers, nothing. I waited for a while, confused and some kids came by on their bikes. Luckily they weren't the usual dumbstruck by a foreigner types and gave me enthusiastic "good morning"s before instructing me that "kyo wa yasumi yo!" (today is a holiday!) I checked my schedule, I was at the right school..then I checked my teaching plan and the date was next Friday...I should have noticed this really but someone could have told me! Buggers.
So today turned out to be a holiday-nice. Furthermore my japanese ability was put to the test as I rang my school to confirm this with my supervisor who actually wasnt there so I had to explain what had happened to my vice-principle (who told me to relax-nice!)
After this I chatted to the taxi driver (I get paid taxis to and from school-my job is sweet I know) and he told me his wife was phillipino and tried to teach me how to count in her language-I'm struggling enough with japanese mate!
Rather random morning which would have been bloody difficult to figure out a few months ago...
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