
Traumas, Tribulations, Travels and Tomfoolery Down Under

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My sober period did not last long...

top five things I don't like about being hungover:
1. shaking hands
2. dry mouth
3. heavy head
4. short attention span...even shorter than usual
5. tendency to over analyse the night before

top five things I do like about being hungover
1. sitting still is fun enough
2. flashes of manic energy
3. find things funnier than usual
4. things can only get better (as the day goes on)
5. you can lick your own skin and get drunk again


At 4:20 pm, Blogger Lauren said...

I don't like anything about having a hangover! ...apart from the fact I can almost justify a trip to Maccy Ds, in order to make me feel better! Twas a great night though my dear, and especially enjoyed our rendition of 'we are the world'...haunting!!

At 11:43 am, Blogger Sarah said...

you two are nuts...hangovers suck...pllplplppp

At 11:53 am, Blogger Victoria said...

hangover on a wednesday! Girl, your life is Karazy!


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