
Traumas, Tribulations, Travels and Tomfoolery Down Under

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


My language course is well taught, organised, fun and enjoyable but Japanese is the most complicated, confusing and downright frustrating thing I've ever had to apply myself to. Having gained enough J-speak to get by in simple conversations, order in restaurants and ask directions, I was quite proud of myself after a year. However, I now realise that a) I still have A LOT to learn to be proficient b) a great deal of words that I often used before were conjigated wrong or just plain innapropriate and c) although I am pants at speaking japanese, I can't help but let it litter my everyday English,which is fine if I'm talking to other similarily minded friends but makes me look like a right tit in any other circumstances (ie real life!)
Despite that, last night, feeling the effects of all you can drink seshion I managed to sing not one but three japanese songs somewhat accurately at karaoke. (orange range, SMAP, Bennie K)


At 9:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you numpty! I still think you're amazing...I'm more concerned about your grasp on english! x

At 5:43 pm, Blogger Dan said...

I hope you don't get too down. You and Sarah are amazing and this would have helped you a lot. Can't wait to see you darling.



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