Halloween Revisited
OK so Halloween was a good enough party to deserve a propher post methinks.
Best Bits:
-The costumes-i must say the Yamaguchians outdid themselves this year with practically everyone making an effort! Loved Marina's 80s chic, Dave's Bondage Witch, Lee and Jess' Mangapoi and the inspired 7ereveners. Counting the votes for the contest was a feat in itself trying to decifer things like "afro girl" and "pandathing" (who was a panda i ask you?!) Christine (Anpangirl-Japanese character) and Spiller's Jackie Kennedy (clearly a role he was born to play!) were very deserving of the titles Miss and Mr Halloween 2005(or should that be Miss and Mrs?!) What is it with men dressed in drag i ask you?! My head says no but my loins say go!
-My costume, I thought was pretty sinister but all the J folk kept telling me I was kawaii-grrrrrr!
Also, I am aware of the irony in me being a (debauched, goth) Angel and Lauren being a (classy, sweet) Devil.
-A conversation concerning who had the best boobs in Yamaguchi(with all females partcipants). No conclusion was made although some good research was had (!) Answers on a postcard please.
-The bewildered mixture of laughter/concern/pity when Keith turned up in a wheelchair.
-The games-who knew you could have so much fun with a bit of bog roll? I'm introducing that back to Blighty!
-The shot downing-Yoshika informs me over 50 were bought that night (mostly consumed by Steph I'm sure) Hardcore!
-Actually enjoying DJing-usually I'm pretty stressed that I'm playing the wrong thing but this time I just went with the flow and got everyone going with blur, orange range, the bravery ect-thanks for everyones support!
-Whereas, quite the miracle in itself, I remained sober. With nights when I have a commitment the next day (seems to be every bloody gotcha party recently!) I try my best to not get too pished (hmm didnt work on Friday night...) But this time I managed it, despite several people asking to buy me drinks (thats will power for you!!) I'm holding you all to it next time!;)
Patrick's wife was a panda i think???
I have the best rack in Yamaguchi. There are no ifs or buts.
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