
Traumas, Tribulations, Travels and Tomfoolery Down Under

Friday, January 20, 2006

Please give me some advices

So anyway as you probably guessed from my last post I am in a deep quandary concerning next year...I want stay...but then again I want to go. In the style of an average English solo singer (Lemar)I am 50/50...

Reasons to stay:
I love Japan and want to see more of it-Tokyo, Okinawa...
I've got a cushy deal here-nice apartment, good working hours, varied schools, good wage...
I love my pals here, both JET and Japanese and would be sad to say bye to them
Saying bye to my pseudo-adopted J-family, the mantanis makes me v sad too ;~;
I've not really got anything lined up for after and would hate to be unemployed/doing some crappy job and wishing I'd stayed in Japan.
It would give me more time and money to figure out my next step.
I like studying Japanese and want to get better.
At times my job is amazing and i like (most of) my students. Some I love. Sometimes I feel like I'm really helping them with their English and broadening their minds to other cultures and its really satisfying.
Could get more involved with J-hobbies like shodo, kendo ect.
Would have had the full JET and Japan experience in 3 years. Home is always going to be there.

Reasons to go:
The job is, at times, banal and frustrating. I could completely loose interest over the next 18 months. Sometimes I feel like I'm not teaching the students anything and I can do nothing to change to spirit crushing school system here.
A lot of my close friends will leave over summer.
And the transition period of new Jets isn't always fun.
Lots of opportunities out there and I'm not getting any younger!
Miss my family and friends in England.
Need to start really deciding on a career path.
Staying in the job (for the main part)for the money isn't really fair to the school or kids.
Another blistering summer and ice cold winter here doesn’t excite me.
I really miss the banter and chit chat of a western workplace.
May be really hard to adjust back to Western culture after 3 years here and I'll become one of those weirdos who stay here forever/never stop talking about Japan.

So there you have it..any advice/suggestions/making the decision for me welcome and appreciated! X


At 7:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the end you have to decied what would make you happier.
You can always study Japanese in the UK. And I'm sure, as you said, home will still be there when you get back.
However, if the job is the only thing keeping you in Japan, then you have to start to think about whether or not it's best for you, as a person.
Have an open mind and think about all possibilies, but make sure the one you choose will make you happy.

At 2:50 pm, Blogger Cinnacism said...

There's no way of knowing. Just a few days ago when I was looking for a new job, I was wondering why the hell I was so adamant about coming back from Japan. A few moments later, I remembered...oh yeah...I had a boyfriend and domestic bliss to return to. Of course, that fell through...but there's no way I could have known that and recontracted instead.

Second thoughts, regrets, and wistful hindsight are sometimes facts of life. I would say to return to/stay with the people you feel you need in your life the most right now. You can always visit the ones that you leave behind in Japan/England.

At 8:33 am, Blogger Kat said...

Thanks for the input guys. Of course its a lot more complicated than two lists but this has definitely put things in persepctive. X

At 9:30 am, Blogger Lauren said...

Stay....go...stay .....go.....stay.....go Oh, I don't know!! sorry love! Do you want the next 18 months to be in Japan...with pretty much the same stuff in it as you have now...the great stuff and the mundane/frustrating stuff? Or do you want to milk the next 6 months here for all they're worth..and then move on to the next adventure?

At 7:09 am, Blogger J said...

there are hundreds of things you could be doing. keep JET in perspective of what it ultimately will mean to you. that would be the best advice i can give you.

At 8:39 am, Blogger Turning Japanese said...

What ever you decide, it will all workout in the end. Just feel happy that you made what ever decission you reach.
Stay or go... You will enjoy each life path. I can't imagine you not making the most of any given situation.

At 2:25 pm, Blogger Sarah said...

I agree with the 'make your own decision' motif. you really are having a hard time deciding, eh? my own deciding factor??? i want to leave Japan on a high note, rather than wait until I can't wait to get the hell out of here. So what is your high note?


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