
Traumas, Tribulations, Travels and Tomfoolery Down Under

Friday, February 03, 2006

Smash Hits...The End!

When I was about 13 my favourite magazine was Smash Hits. I recall buying it every wednesday for about 80p. ( i also used to like a mag called Big! anyone remember that?) It was fab, you used to get free stickers, a song lyric pull out section and actually good bands like the Smiths and The Manics covered alongside your Whams and Take Thats. It was writted in a brilliant irreverent, silly way with "the busuit tin" interviews where stars had to choose questions from (you guessed it) a biscuit tin. Stuff like "do you ever fart in the bath?" They called Cliff Richard "Sir Cliff of Richard" and the crap one from Bros "ken", one feature naming every bands most rubbish member (take thats "ken" was Gary haha)
Its a real shame that its finishing although it has dissintergrated into a McFly loving teeny shiny sham in the last few years. Probably beacuse music has become quite cliquey-not many people enjoy Girls Aloud and The Cocteau nowadays. You pick your corner and you stick to it. Bring back good pop magazines!!


At 12:10 pm, Blogger . said...

Jason Donovan! Oh yeah. He's the pete doherty of cheesy 80s pop.
I used to read Teen Hits and had the hots for Jonathan Brandis (who topped himself a few years back).

At 2:38 pm, Blogger Lauren said...

I remember Big! I used to read that and Smash Hits too. Before that I think I read Fast Forward...and Look In (something like that!) Anyone remember them? I used to love the pull out lyrics in smash hits...I had loads of them!Those were the days!


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