
Traumas, Tribulations, Travels and Tomfoolery Down Under

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Couldn't Resist Doing This Again...

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::The Smiths
Are you male or female::Girl Afraid
Describe yourself::Bigmouth Strikes Again
How do some people feel about you::That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
How do you feel about yourself::I Keep Mine Hidden
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::Sweet and Tender Hooligan
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::I Want the One I can't Have
Describe where you want to be::Nowhere Fast
Describe what you want to be::Stretch Out and Wait
Describe how you live::Oscillate Wildly
Describe how you love::I Started Something I Couldn't Finish
Share a few words of wisdom:Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before
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