Chugakko is a weird thing for me. Back in Blighty we just go to "Secondary School" for 6 years and yeah, leaving is sad but its after the nasty GCSEs so most people can't wait to get out. Middle school is somewhere between the idyllic primary years and more mature high school and the shortest time for j-schoolkids. Doesnt stop em making a big song and dance of leaving though. ~_^
Here in true J-style its a drawn out affair with students getting their certificates, singing and keigo speeches. Last year I went to an uber-emotional one for a school where only 8 students were graduating. Each student was individually described by the teachers and a montage of photos was shown. Several grown men were snottin on their corsages (aka blub fest 2005)
Of course they couldn't have the same personal touch at a school of 120 graduaters and the ceremony itself was pretty dull but the aftermath of photo taking, yearbook signing and button swapping was pretty fun.
These are my favourite students...or where I guess. ;_;
Cute photos love. Bless! How soon you forget though!....secondary school is 5years...then sixth form is 2.
I know...you've been away too long Kat obviously!!!
yeah alright I'm a retard! it seemed like a long time...
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