
Traumas, Tribulations, Travels and Tomfoolery Down Under

Friday, April 14, 2006

私の趣味(My Hobby)

Everyone bullsh*ts on job applications right? Its pretty much a given. They're expecting to hear "I am commited, professional and motivated." If you told the truth, ie "I will abuse this position for all its worth, make an art out of sciving, and not really give a rats arse." They would'nt appreciate your honesty. I worked in the Human Resources Dept of a hotel once and one applicant wrote "Cos the DS made me." under the question "Why are you applying for this job?" *snigger* Needless to say he didn't get an interview.
When it comes to the "Interests and Hobbies" bit you can really excell yourself in the gentle art of stretching the truth so thin it would slip through a door crack. Thinking about it for a job I'm applying for now, I realised I only really have one consistant hobby. (I don't think obsessing over dirty indie bands really counts) I've been upholding this particular passtime for about 8 or 9 years. I put a lot of money and effort into it. I try my damnest to enourage others to partake. In my humble opinion, its the best hobby a girl can have.
Can you guess what it is?


At 1:35 pm, Blogger Sarah said...

i want to say partying or drinking..but then you said it's the best hobby a GIRL can have...which leads me astray.

At 9:15 pm, Blogger J-girl said...

Plastic surgery? If so, I would've sworn they were real. (Hee, hee. Only kidding--I have no idea.)

At 10:41 pm, Blogger Lauren said...

shopping? :)

At 6:05 pm, Blogger nowinihon said...

its flicking the bean, right?

At 5:28 pm, Blogger . said...

Only 8-9 were a late bloomer.

If you feel like "investing" anymore money I know a great place down in Tenjin. ;)

At 9:30 pm, Blogger Lauren said...

Keeping a diary / writing?

At 10:43 am, Blogger Sarah said...

well, what's the answer?!?!

At 12:19 pm, Blogger Kat said...

Haha good guesses everyone...the answer was actually guessed firts time by sarah-ITS BOOZING!! I consider myself quite the expert haha! thought I'd throw you off with the girl part...who says its a laddish thing though anyway? theres loads of female alcos in the world! so well done sara-chan and everyone else thanks for trying (marco you filthy bugger do you really think I'd broadcast a love for masterbation on my blog...?!haha)^_~X


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