
Traumas, Tribulations, Travels and Tomfoolery Down Under

Monday, April 24, 2006

Things I Will Miss about Japan #5 RICE!!

If you would have told me that I would become enthusiastic about rice before I came to Japan or even a year ago then I would have chocked in disbelief. I mean I've always enjoyed it as an accompanyment but I've always thought of it as the filler, what you havewith your delicious meat dish or whatever. When I first arrived in Japan I wasn't too keen on the starchy, sticky, short grain rice here. It was soo plain and stodgy. And they seemed to give you it by the bucketload. I missed flavoursome long grained basmatic rice. O_o I also found it bloody ridiculous that a lot of japanese people say their favourite food is rice. I felt like this was like saying your favourite food was air. God I can waffle on a lot about rice. It's important here! They've brainwashed me!
As I've been here for about 20 months and have eaten rice at least once every day I now have to admit that...I LOVE RICE! I even crave it. How Japanese am I!?I love the smell of it freshly cooked and its the main thing I look forward to in school lunch. And its not just me! Loz has admitted similar affiliation!
Another thing thats makes Japanese rice mint is that its impossible to f*ck up when cooking. I even burned it recently and it was still yum-mmm bibinba!
I will surely get withdrawl symptoms like a junkie for crack when I leave this place! Eek my soul will suffer! I even like onigiri (rice in seaweed you can buy everywhere as a snack) although I'm not as nihonjin as Smac who craves it even when drunk (give me a kebab anyday)

Some "interesting" facts about RICE:
-Some Japanese car companies are named after rice! Toyota means "bountiful rice field" and Honda means "the main rice field" (right alex...?)
-Rice is a staple food for over half the planet.
-In Japanese folklore, legend has it that soaking rice before cooking it releases life energy, and the person who eats the rice will have a more powerful soul.(maybe this explains why they shovel it into their mouths as if theres no tomorrow)
-There are about 120,000 varieties of rice known to exist.
-Rice is the only cereal Japan is self-sufficient in.
-The average Japanese consumer pays an average of five times more for rice than the average U.S. consumer.
-At various times in Japanese society,rice was an instrument of trade, functioning as hard currency. Rice measured the wealth of the daimyo (lord) and provided payment for samurai.
-Throughout the almost 4,000 7-Eleven stores in Japan, fast food sales figures show rice snacks continuing to outpace bread snacks.

And for those who don't live in Japan:
-A lot of people have rice for breakfast (mental)
-The smallest packet of rice in the supermarkets are usually about 2kg. They make you eat more rice!!
-The word for cooked rice is "gohan" and this also has the general meaning of meal.
-"Mochi" is pounded rice made into a cake. Its weird and sticky and people love it here. I draw the line there.

RICE: It's More Than Just a Food


At 2:09 pm, Blogger Turning Japanese said...

I totally join you on every part of this post. I even really like some kinds of mochi... Withdrawals will be serious for all of us.
What ever will we do?

At 4:03 pm, Blogger Lauren said...

My name is Lauren....and ...I LOVE RICE!..Thank you.

At 4:04 pm, Blogger Lauren said...

Hey we should talk about our rice addiction at the next YES meeting (topic is food!)

At 7:07 pm, Blogger J-girl said...

Okay--I will miss mochi, but the plain rice thing I will not miss. I don't hate it, though. Maybe it has something to do with having plain white rice every day while growing up. Besides, I can have rice in America.

At 7:37 pm, Blogger Kat said...

yeah mochi-yuk im not feeling it! of course i can have rice in england or wherever i end up but its quite diff to japanese rice...yeah its not that good for you--maybe thats part of the appeal ^_^

At 10:59 am, Blogger Sarah said...

if i don't have rice everyday I am slightly hungry all day long..yesterday i had two whopping servings. need to cut back.

At 11:08 pm, Blogger nowinihon said...

mmmmmmmmmmm...i heart rice. you should get into mochi too, its not too late. I agree they have a disturbing texture to them though. the phrase kintama comes to mind. didnt explain the mystery of why rice in Japan is so freaking expensive???
also did you know that if you re-heat rice in the microwave TWICE it turns into glass? checkitout!

and how can rice not be good for you Alex??? the vietcong survived on a handful of rice a day and defeated the richest and most powerful nation on the earth with sticks.

At 1:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all mad as a box of frogs!

At 10:48 pm, Blogger nowinihon said...

right on! lets attack the base at iwakuni. May 5th is Open Day!!


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