pori cura, my new love for new town and fucking stinky hostels
Ok so on the job front i am kind of sorted. Hooked myself up with a temping agency who have promised me lots of work in offices thats pretty well paid. probably not as colourful as the cafe but hey, its above board and i won't get sacked for ringing in sick (i'm not yet tired of telling people that story)
In my living news I am now in a bloody scummy hostel in central Sydney for a week as nat's parents are in town. I must have climatised to the civilised, clean suburbian life of my freinds here in Aus as when I arrived last night i was disgusted by the smell, the squalor, the scuffed carpets, the drunkeness going on- you know, the whole backpacker culture (if you can call it that.) Its cool though, I'm getting back to my scruffbag student roots. Its quite embarrasing how many Brits they are. And what loudmouth wankers most of them are too.
I have had a lovely morning walking around the city looking at shops and museums ect. The highlight *by far* was discovering a whole range of pori cura machines (the japanese weird sticker booths) just around the corner in China town! Sooo happy. Will definitely continue that obsession then.
My favourite haunt in Sydney has become New Town, a studenty, vintagey type area a bit like camden back home in London or even the Northern Quater in Manc. A new, *ahem* freind is proving to be an excellent tour guide of the dingy pubs, live venues and ethnic restaurants. Going to a Lebanese restaurant tonight. Chufty badges all round.
I had a lot of offers from Nat's freind to stay at their places this week. All I can say is I'm a fucking tard for turning them down. A week of shared showers, nasty matresses and drunk hooligans singing at 3am. Wish me luck.
Oh and did I mention I love Sydney?
and how is the new *ahem* friend? ;)
I knew you would love Sydney and glad you have made a new *ahem* friend. Cool about the purikura too... I will have to find the stash in Melbourne... I know it is here somewhere!
Ooops, if you are wondering who the previous blog was from... It is me but logged on as Mum and Dad - sorry
Sorry, this cough must be goin' 'round the blogosphere.
haha...a well placed ahem...i knew you'd all know what i mean.
loz-he's absolutely lovely. i will email you and fill you in soon-hope prague is lots of fun ^_^
el-keep looking for pori! good luck in the comp too. see you SOON!
angela-it must have been exciting if it propted you to comment. haha. hope you're well mi dear xx
start stretching for the backpacker olympics..
do you have an lonely planet oz? just curious...
good luck with the boy
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