
Traumas, Tribulations, Travels and Tomfoolery Down Under

Sunday, September 24, 2006


so i've been temping...its pretty weird as every day is like your first and people are all nice and welcoming until they realise you're only there for a short space of time! you can then almost see the light going off in their head "ah no need to make freinds with this one then, what a waste of charm..."
i've got a job in the x-ray dept of a hospital at the mo and i can keep it for as long as i want which is pretty sweet. you can imagine my regal british tones over the moniter. i have to answer the phone, work the switchboard ect. people ring up with random requests. everyone who works there is jaded and old but pretty funny. theres a cool french girl and a mad polish women both of whom can hardly speak english. keeps it entertaining.
which brings me onto the subject of oblisation-you know, those pointless conversations with people where none of you really listen to the other person but you just feel like seenas yout share the same carpet square 8 hours a day you should converse. as i ask things like "so where in sydney do you live?" with a "I'm nice honest" look on my face, i can't help but repeat "i dont care i dont care i dont care" in my head...

Monday, September 18, 2006


(in Supre, a big Australian dept store)

Friday, September 15, 2006

pori cura, my new love for new town and fucking stinky hostels

Ok so on the job front i am kind of sorted. Hooked myself up with a temping agency who have promised me lots of work in offices thats pretty well paid. probably not as colourful as the cafe but hey, its above board and i won't get sacked for ringing in sick (i'm not yet tired of telling people that story)

In my living news I am now in a bloody scummy hostel in central Sydney for a week as nat's parents are in town. I must have climatised to the civilised, clean suburbian life of my freinds here in Aus as when I arrived last night i was disgusted by the smell, the squalor, the scuffed carpets, the drunkeness going on- you know, the whole backpacker culture (if you can call it that.) Its cool though, I'm getting back to my scruffbag student roots. Its quite embarrasing how many Brits they are. And what loudmouth wankers most of them are too.

I have had a lovely morning walking around the city looking at shops and museums ect. The highlight *by far* was discovering a whole range of pori cura machines (the japanese weird sticker booths) just around the corner in China town! Sooo happy. Will definitely continue that obsession then.

My favourite haunt in Sydney has become New Town, a studenty, vintagey type area a bit like camden back home in London or even the Northern Quater in Manc. A new, *ahem* freind is proving to be an excellent tour guide of the dingy pubs, live venues and ethnic restaurants. Going to a Lebanese restaurant tonight. Chufty badges all round.

I had a lot of offers from Nat's freind to stay at their places this week. All I can say is I'm a fucking tard for turning them down. A week of shared showers, nasty matresses and drunk hooligans singing at 3am. Wish me luck.

Oh and did I mention I love Sydney?

Sunday, September 10, 2006


I got sacked!!!!

It's pretty funny actually. Last night I got wankered at Ken and Nat's housewarming...not ridiculously drunk but pretty damn merry. I thought I'd be able to get up and do my 9-5 shift but I woke up and was sick at about 7.30 and felt like a pig had shat in my head so i called in sick...this was pretty bad of me I know but I'm never sick after drinking so it was probably something I ate...anyway the cafe owner was pissed off with me and told me not to bother coming in again!

Actually I was thinking of trying to find a better job as it is hella strenous (involves running up and down stairs several million times and always full) and I heard I could get better pay and hours...looks like the decision has been made for me!

I've never been sacked before! >_< Good job it was a casual job i didn't really care about.

I'm thinking he'll come to regret that decision this week as the other waitress is on holiday...their loss! Looks like I'm job hunting again...

Oh, the party was fab by the way. Photos to follow. ^_^

Thursday, September 07, 2006

We were just rowing around the harbour...

Originally uploaded by NekkoChan.

...and look what happened!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Home...for now

home...for now
Originally uploaded by NekkoChan.

I'm so lucky to have generous freinds who let me stay at their plush Sydney apartement. Top left is the street its on (with nat's car parked under the tree), top right is the apartement block, nat and ken's place being bottom floor right, bottom left is the living room/kitchen and bottom right is the view. Sweet, eh! ^_^

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

People Are Strange seriously.

My waitressing (i use this term loosely) has enabled me to meet quite a random mix of Sydneyites. Well, I use that term loosely too not only beacuse i'm not sure if it's a real word but also because I am beginning to wonder if there is actually any Australian people in Sydney-every 5th person is painfully British for a start.

My favourite character by far is the ex-model I metioned in an earlier post. She's had an incredible life and seem to find everything "wonderful" and "astonishing"...apart from her train wreck marriage and estrangement from her kids that is. Strange that she told me all about her personal dramas then after informing me that she had a new job, added "I won't tell you what it is yet luv, some things you have to keep to yourself." And that secret affair story you told to a waitress you don't know from adam is normal sharing then...?

Another regular is a trendy mum who works in TV and is often with a hip friend for lunch (with a heavy side order of alcohol) and her daughter, a 5 year old really cute and sweet little girl with impeccable manners. I ususally can't stand kids that talk crap to you, obviously used to receiveing a enthralled audience from their doting parents but this one is actually a gem. After congratulating this women on raising such a freindly and pleasant kid she told me she loved the restaurant but had issues with the owner as he once nastily told her to leave "the fucking rude prick" she asserted in full hearing range of her daughter. Mother of the year status in my eyes revoked.

A group of 3 came in late the other night and had me in hysterics. They were still in their work clothes and i guessed they had been out on the lash after they greeted me with bright eyes and slurred words. My suspicions of sozzlement were confirmed when the girl in the party knocked the salt, pepper, table number and candle clean off the table in one limb flailing swoop. one of the guys then asked me to get her some water while he went for some more wine. Sensible. They were pretty funny chatting with the kind of volume, honesty and conviction that only comes with being absolutely out of your skull drunk. (think Cindi at the pub quiz ~_^) One of them was British and told me he recently proposed to his girlfriend whilst he was throwing up and she passed him a drink of water (romantic!) and that he thinks Sydney is the best city in the world. (insert dodgy cockney accent) "Its got the beaches, the people, the clubs, the scenery, the shops, the resaturants..." actually he may have a point there...