
Traumas, Tribulations, Travels and Tomfoolery Down Under

Thursday, March 23, 2006

grr i r monster!


width="400" height="250"
alt="Kitten-Abducting, Townsfolk-Harming Ravager Yearning for Nihilism"


I'll let the photos speak for themselves >_< Great times, great country.
Korea- Raw, spicy and salty--and thats just the people.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Things I Will Miss About Japan #3

What the bugger is that? You may ask...well its a kooky little passtime mainly enjoyed by junior high school kids...and us gaijin (foreigners.) You gather in a neon booth adorned with phrases like "love sugar honey" and take inspiration from the robotic giant eyed models on the wall. Their examples ranges from pretending to be cats to pretending to kiss, to be scared, to be confused, all super kawaii in a immaculately groomed kind of way. I usually shout out emotions like "suprise!" and "fear" to inspire some stupid poses. The Japanese machine shouts out "hai, cheesu" and other random things before you choose your best four. After you can decorate your pictures at the side of the booth with magic pens adding writing, stamps, stickers, backgrounds ect. Tackorama basically and a great way to commemorate a birthday, trip, day out or thursday, whatever. And they're stickers. mint.
Heres some of my favourites from the last 18 months ^_-

I Love this show!

You are Vince Noir!

Rock and Roll Star! So good-looking that monkeys

want your face, and so cool that everyone

wants to be you. Admirer of Colobos the Crab

and connoisseur of the bizarre pleasures in

life. Rock on!

Which Mighty Boosh Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Living for the Weekend?

I sometime feel that I'm living in aftermath of the weekend, for, as Marco so eloquently put it "I feel like satan has my soul in a box somewhere." But as we all know, the more you feel like death warmed up after the night, the better the night, surely.^_= On Sunday I couldnt shake the feeling that my eyes needed washing. I actually hardly remember the events of the day, only too clear was the the overwelming desire to curl into the recovary position and shake.
Starting as we meant to go on, Chu-his on the train at about 5pm
The main reason for our little ryoko to Hiroshima was to go to this club called commune that has an indie night once a month. However when we got there it was emptier than Jordan's soul so we opted to go to a few choice bars then try a place Marco had heard described as a "mod" club. It was the kind of place you hope you find on nights like this. Not another gaijin in sight, funky, cool young j-peeps happy to talk to you, wicked tunes (punk/indie/breakbeat) and half naked DJs...

We danced, we mingled and I'm happy to say I was the best behaved ^_~ I won't tell you who took their top off, flung themselves on the floor and went on a 4am wander but I'm sure you can guess...

Sarah in her element

Monday, March 13, 2006


Chugakko is a weird thing for me. Back in Blighty we just go to "Secondary School" for 6 years and yeah, leaving is sad but its after the nasty GCSEs so most people can't wait to get out. Middle school is somewhere between the idyllic primary years and more mature high school and the shortest time for j-schoolkids. Doesnt stop em making a big song and dance of leaving though. ~_^
Here in true J-style its a drawn out affair with students getting their certificates, singing and keigo speeches. Last year I went to an uber-emotional one for a school where only 8 students were graduating. Each student was individually described by the teachers and a montage of photos was shown. Several grown men were snottin on their corsages (aka blub fest 2005)

Of course they couldn't have the same personal touch at a school of 120 graduaters and the ceremony itself was pretty dull but the aftermath of photo taking, yearbook signing and button swapping was pretty fun.
These are my favourite students...or where I guess. ;_;

Friday, March 10, 2006

I've been blog-tagged...

ok, ive been "tagged". the rules are that once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with "6 wierd things/habits/secrets about urself". In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
(although "weird" is subject to opinion, I'll just share this with you today ^_-)

1. i think my favourite food is crisps
2. i find things funniest when hungover
3. if I'm on a dancelfoor and someone starts doing a particular move i cant help but copy
4. i get up and leave my house for school in 15 minutes usually.(piss-wash-brush hair/teeth-dress-make up-leave)
5. I used to write an awful fanzine mainly about the manics when i was younger
6 i sometimes decide i like a band before actually listening to their music *^_^*

People i'm tagging;
1. Cindi
2. Loz
3. Steph
4. Sarah
5. Ellen
6. Rosie

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Johari/Nohari Window Result

...About time I posted the results of my character assasination...sorry assessment! ^_^


(known to self and others)

adaptable, independent, self-assertive, silly

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

able, accepting, bold, brave, cheerful, clever, confident, dependable, energetic, extroverted, friendly, happy, intelligent, kind, knowledgeable, logical, loving, mature, modest, organised, responsive, searching, spontaneous, trustworthy, witty


(known only to self)



(known to nobody)

calm, caring, complex, dignified, giving, helpful, idealistic, ingenious, introverted, nervous, observant, patient, powerful, proud, quiet, relaxed, religious, self-conscious, sensible, sentimental, shy, sympathetic, tense, warm, wise

12 friends filled it in for me...2 that I have known for about 12 years and one for 21! I'm pretty pleased that my most chosen traits were friendly, spontaneous and silly...I do try. >_<

As for the bugger, it could have been way worse!


(known to self and others)

vulgar, brash, boastful, insensitive

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

incompetent, intolerant, aloof, insecure, selfish, cynical, irrational, imperceptive, chaotic, impatient, loud, panicky, smug, overdramatic, callous, inattentive, unreliable


(known only to self)



(known to nobody)

inflexible, timid, cowardly, violent, glum, stupid, simple, irresponsible, lethargic, withdrawn, hostile, unhappy, unhelpful, needy, unimaginative, inane, cruel, ignorant, distant, childish, weak, embarrassed, vacuous, unethical, self-satisfied, passive, rash, dispassionate, dull, predictable, cold, foolish, humourless

Dominant Traits

55% of people think that thunderkat is cynical
55% of people think that thunderkat is impatient
55% of people think that thunderkat is overdramatic

I was pretty suprised that a lot of people think I'm cynical...I thought I was pretty optimistic (I'll do some sort of test soon!) But I couldn've been called way worse -_< I know that I'm impatient but I think that ties in with being spontaneous and energetic so thats OK...and although I may be a bit of a drama queen sometimes I'd rather be that than boring >_< I may be rather boastful/smug sometimes but I think thats cos I'm a lucky girl-I have great friends, a great job, tons of oppertunities before me and the means to explore them.
Thanks a lot to everyone who did it for me! An eye opening experience! 0_o

Things I Will Miss About Japan #2

That I use/see/buy objects adorned with cute characters more often that I sneeze.

Monday, March 06, 2006

A Survey

9 lasts:
1. cigarette: Saturday night when drunk...I'm such a Saturday night smoker
2. beverage: Jasmine tea at my friend Keiko's
3. kiss: Some dodgy bugger in a smoky club back home at xmas.
4. hug: from one of my students this afternoon-bless!
5. movie seen at the theatre: Walk the Line with hana and saki...great stuff, Pheonix at his best
6. cd played: A fab mix Louise made me with the shins, modest mouse ect. liking it!
8. bubble bath: last night! thought it would cure my hangover. it did a bit.
9. time you cried: I welled up a bit recently in class saying bye to some 3 nenseis

8 have you ever:
1. dated one of your best friends: nah but i have fantasised about them.^_^ (joke!)
2. skinny dipped: yes! on oshima this summer, much fun especially when the lads stole paulines clothes.
3. kissed somebody and regretted it: god yes
4. fallen in love: yes
5. lost someone you loved: yes
6. been depressed: er yeah hello i am human...not to the prozac stage though thankfully
8. ran away from where you are now? reason to where i am is pretty peachy
7. been drunk and threw up: god yeah. its usually for the best.
8. woken up and not known where you are: err yeah. i dont like the drink but the drink likes me.

7 Countries you've been to:
1. Holland
2. America
3. France
4. Spain
5. China
6. Japan
7. Greece

6 things you did today:
1. Paid for my boat to Korea-yea!
2. Interviewed 120 ichi-nenseis arrgh!!
3. got interviewed in japanese by the ichi nenseis and letting it be filmed...i have a terrible feeling they're going to show it at some festival or something...>_<
4. stressed about the zenzen arts sec when the computer was being a spazzy
5. ate steak at keiko's house
6. lost epically at computer games with her kids

5 favorite things in no order:
1. dipping biscuits into tea
2. when people have sticky up hair when they wake up
3. travelling
4. listening to good music
5. good times with good friends

4 things you ate today:
1. curry rice for school lunch-yata!
2. steak and salad
3. an orange
4. grape mentos
5. pocky!!!

3 people you can tell [pretty much] anything to in no order:
1. well it looks like pretty much anyone who reads my blog!
2. sam
3. simbo

2 things you want to be when you grow up:
1. working in radio or something like that
2. better travelled

1 thing you regret:
1. my last night of uni when i got too drunk to remember anything...but thats about it. things you wish you'd done differently all teach you something ne....

Sunday, March 05, 2006


You Are 64% Evil

You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Let's Fighting Love!

This is from the South Park manga episode and I think it sums up J-Pop pretty damn well! subarashi chin chin mono-excellent penis stuff. haha...enjoy! >_<

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The emOC

This is bloody funny-they get the characters facial expressions down to a tee
especially Ryan!

Couldn't Resist Doing This Again...

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band::The Smiths
Are you male or female::Girl Afraid
Describe yourself::Bigmouth Strikes Again
How do some people feel about you::That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
How do you feel about yourself::I Keep Mine Hidden
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend::Sweet and Tender Hooligan
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend::I Want the One I can't Have
Describe where you want to be::Nowhere Fast
Describe what you want to be::Stretch Out and Wait
Describe how you live::Oscillate Wildly
Describe how you love::I Started Something I Couldn't Finish
Share a few words of wisdom:Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before
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