Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Kyrates-The Aftermath

Throwing parties is a tricky buisness. It all seems like a fabulous idea until you're suddenly burdened with the worrys of who will come/what to wear/have I got enough food ect ect. However, Angela pulled off a belter this weekend with the greates of ease, wearing a risque stunning costume precariously about her person all the while. The gathering had everything a good party needs-ridiculous costumes, tons of booze, great plentiful food, drinking games, a bit of scandel, fireworks, plastic swords...
Bye Bye Simbo

"My ideal wife would have to say "Good Morning! Lets go white water rafting!" and I'd say "No, make me breakfast in bed!" and she'd be like "Ok but we're going next week!"
May the search begin...
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Recently there has been an American visitor to my school who's on an exchange visit. It's his first time in Japan and he came here on a bit of a whim I think (read:he knew nothing about the place before he came.) This encounter has lead me to realise how used to this place I am. Not only does he find everything exciting/weird/puzzling but he has me inwardly screaming with mortification at least 10 times a day. Heinous japanese social atrocities include:
-sitting on a desk in class even after I told him its a bit frowned upon
-haveing his hands in his pockets ON STAGE making a speech
-leaning back on his chair so noone can get past him in the staff room
-leaving his lunch tray on the desk and not putting the bowls back ect
It's quite ridiculous how appauled I am at these actions that wouldn't really be anything too rude back home. It really made me re-realise how considerate and group aware japanese people are. And me more so now hopefully. Also that theres a certain way to communicate with Japanese students that doesnt involve any degree of natural speech ("you guys/and stuff" leave them baffled)
This place is a bubble, you forget that the rest of the world ticks by without RULES. Rules control the fun don't you know. Note to self:anarchy can be resumed when arriving back in Blighty. I may even blow my nose in public. That'll show em.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Seenas I go to shitloads of different schools for my job, its actually a small miracle (given my scatterbrain tendencies) that I have managed to go to the right school everyday.
Until today that is.
After getting up at 7am, (nasty) I went to a school I've never been to before. It was deserted. No kids, no teachers, nothing. I waited for a while, confused and some kids came by on their bikes. Luckily they weren't the usual dumbstruck by a foreigner types and gave me enthusiastic "good morning"s before instructing me that "kyo wa yasumi yo!" (today is a holiday!) I checked my schedule, I was at the right school..then I checked my teaching plan and the date was next Friday...I should have noticed this really but someone could have told me! Buggers.
So today turned out to be a holiday-nice. Furthermore my japanese ability was put to the test as I rang my school to confirm this with my supervisor who actually wasnt there so I had to explain what had happened to my vice-principle (who told me to relax-nice!)
After this I chatted to the taxi driver (I get paid taxis to and from school-my job is sweet I know) and he told me his wife was phillipino and tried to teach me how to count in her language-I'm struggling enough with japanese mate!
Rather random morning which would have been bloody difficult to figure out a few months ago...
In the spirit of Angelas come as a Kylie stage/Pirate party tomorrow...
My pirate name is:
Dirty Mary Flint

You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
My Life in a Cauldron...
Well looks like the mere glimpse of pleasant weather we had here has gone and summer is officially here. Just ask the invasion of sweat rags, constant “atsui!”s, and bizarre insects. This is bound to be the first of many complaining blogs about the weather in this country. I will never complain about British constant overcast-ness again, honest. I am sweating from places I didn’t know had sweat glands-the backs of my knees, the bottom of my chin, the space between my thumb and hand, even my f--king nails would probably sweat given half the chance. And what’s a great way to deal with this crippling humidity? Lets have a school assembly. Cos its so fun when everyone’s glowing with perspiration and kids are passing out. This lack of climate control seems to be embedded within the whole Japanese “grin and endure it” mentality. Hey, lets be unhappy when we don't have to! Lets feel sick and uncomfortable all day! After all its going to make us better people, right?
Piss off, put a bloody fan on. It's not rocket surgery.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Fantasy Festival
I've booked my tickets for Summer Sonic 2005-woo Kasabian, Interpol, Oasis, ORANGE RANGE, DURAN DURAN!!! Yes my eyes are bulging in excitement but I can't help but wonder (in the style of Carrie Bradshaw) what would be the perfect festival line up?
10 bands-alive/dead or broken up. Answers on a postcard please.
Heres mine- The Cure, The Smiths, The Velvet Underground, The Rolling Stones, The Clash, Jeff Buckley, The Libertines, Super Furry Animals, Radiohead, Flaming Lips.
Something for the Weekend...
I feel sorry for my co-workers when I ask them if they have anything planned for the weekend and they say " practise." or occasionally "i will sleep!" One of the things I love about Japan is the infinate possibilities of passtimes-you can do something outdoorsy like hiking, something cultural like visiting a shrine, study, travel, shop, dvd binge, ectect. At home it was pretty much always given-pub/club/tv/take away. I'd never think "ooh I'll go to visit Buckinghamshire for the weekend" or something like I do here. I think I've seen more of Japan than I have of England. All the different parts of this country seem to have somthing different to offer.
Even though life has got about as normal as it can living in a foreign country I still feel the need to make the most of being in Japan- Okinawa (tropical island) and Hokkaido (freezing, good for skiing) are next on my list whilst I'm convinced the majority of my students have never left Yamaguchi-ken.
However, within this never ending scope for "making every moment count" it is sometimes very tempting to do absolutely nothing. Procrasterbating-revelling in the void. Nice.
This weekend brings a familiar drive up to Hagi to see the north-side crew and celebrate Dan's birthday. This week has brought an unpresidented amount of birthdays in the guch-are you all pod people? Anyway Happy Birthday to Christine, Jamie, Neal, Dan and Gillian! The choice has been made to eat and drink far too much...I feel its going to be a good one.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Well I Never Never Land

You scored as Peter Pan.
Your alter ego is Peter Pan. You are a child at heart. Anything you believe is possible, and you never want to grow up.
Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?
created with
Monday, June 13, 2005
KA- Karaokotics Anonymous (or Kat's Addiction)
Thanks everyone for moseying on down to good old Yanai for my impromptu chilli fest on Saterday. It was really nice to have a house full of people for a change! Reminded me of my uni days (without the binge drinking.) Kirk cooked like a man possessed for about three hours. Everyone brought delightful snacks. (I'm still finishing them off -one of the clear advantages of being a hostess.) The weekend was also marked by two trips to Karaoke. Thats six hours I did Karaoke for last week, possibly more time than I spent in lessons. How disgraceful. My name's Kat and I have a problem.
But Karaoke has so many levels: Tuesday nights visit was a pissed up shouty group effort with a few Japanese songs thrown in thanks to Aaron's co-worker and partner in crime Aiji("best teacher in Japan, come on baby.") It was also Dave's (Aarons visiting freind) first karaoke experience. So really it was my duty to go and show him the way. Plus I'm much more willing to attempt dramatic high songs with 5 beers in me. Friday was a chilled out sober affair with Loz. We need to uphold these practise seshions to impress other people with our harmonies when they visit. Plus Lauren can actually sing so I can sing quietly with her and it sounds good. Much Disney songs were renditioned. Saturday me Kirk and Angela made it through a lot of 90s grunge. The man who works in Party knows my name now.
Dan recently wrote that I treat Karaoke like a sport...this is probably true. Certain rules have to be upheld. Don't hog the mike/do too many songs other people dont know and be enthusiastic. This is the key to fun Karaoke. When I get back to England I must get back into the habit of calling it "kary-okee." How pretentious I will seem otherwise...I blame my addiction of the lack of clubs. What else is there to do in Yanai after hours? Plus its cheap, its marginally exercise. This meeting has come to a close. I'll try to cut down.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Liam Gallagher-Comedy Genius
For a while I have thought that Liam Gallagher should pack in the Oasis malarchy and become a stand up comedian...
Top Five Liam Qoutes:
1."I suppose I do get sad, but not for too long. I just look in the mirror and go, 'What a f--king good-looking f--k you are.' And then I brighten up.
2."Americans want grungy people, stabbing themselves in the head on stage. They get a bright bunch like us, with deodorant on, they don't get it."
3.(on coldplay)"What lot are just a bunch of nobhead students .Chris Martin looks like a f--king geography teacher. What all that f--king shit with writing messages about Free Trade on his hand when hes playing. If he wants to write things down I'l give him a f--king pen and a pad of paper. Bunch of students. "
4. (on if oasis could survive without noel)"I don't know. It's like asking if Jesus Christ would have been a pervert if he'd had a crisp packet stuck on his head."
5."There are shit loads of meaning in the songs. I don't know what they mean, but there's still meaning there."
You can take the boy out of Manchester...
Friday, June 10, 2005
A Question of Taste...
I've been itching to post a big enthusiastic blog about all the various music I'm listening to at the moment-which bands I'm burningly enthusiastic about, which are accessable, which remind me of others ectect. However, the glazed eyes and "here she goes again" rolls of eyes I often recieve when eventalking about this stuff discourages me.
And it all boils down to a question of taste really. Ever sincecertain members of the ken decided to put together a CD compilation of songs they knew I hated to play at a party I have realised I am more than a little discriminating in my music taste. But who really has any right to proclaim whats good and bad? If taste is purely responsive to the individual then surely we're all getting an utterly personal impression of the same song anyway. We can't help but link lyrics and beats and moods from music to our own lives and personalities. For example, The Ordinary Boys are a post-mod Weller-influenced ska/indie band but they remind me of Japan because it was the first CD I bought when I arrived here. But I still listen and take heed to Johnny Cigarettes when he calls it a "....dizzying injection of youth."
With subjects like food and medicine you listen to experts because they know more about it all than you do. But I'm yet to decide if more musical knowledge makes you more qualified to judge. After all whilst most people love Robbie Williams whilst I find the need to rip my eyelashes out if I hear anything that resembles "Angels." So whose coming out better here? If they go home with a huge sense of well being from his croonings and I go home with bloody eyes then maybe my extensive knowledge of New Wave isn't doing me any favours.
And then you can always subscibe to the school of thought that the artist holds all the power to put any kind of meaning into their work. But as soon as its made public it doesn't belong to them anymore. "There She Goes" by the Las is about heroin but most people think its a lovely love song. I hate it when people don't stick up for their own tastes. "oh I like Kylie and all that crap." Is it really crap to you? Or do you just feel like I think its crap (which I do) and therefore are too lazy to think of your own justifications?
Whichever way you look at it taste is something you can't deny. Its yours so own it.
"Good taste is the excuse I have given for leading such a bad life." Wilde
But Keane are shit. I'm not going back on that one.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
My sober period did not last long...
top five things I don't like about being hungover:
1. shaking hands
2. dry mouth
3. heavy head
4. short attention span...even shorter than usual
5. tendency to over analyse the night before
top five things I do like about being hungover
1. sitting still is fun enough
2. flashes of manic energy
3. find things funnier than usual
4. things can only get better (as the day goes on)
5. you can lick your own skin and get drunk again
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Which OC character Are You?
![]() |
I was hoping to be Anna, she's my favorite girl on OC ;)
"No one understands you. Your life revolves around being different and probably excessive romantic allusions. Stop being so self absorbed and put greater emphasis on examining the sensibility of your behavior to avoid simply becoming an abstract narcissist."
...thats only partly true!
Who are you?! my bets are the following:
Sam and Loz-kirsten, Dan-Sandy, Angela-Marissa, Sarah and Lucy-Summer, Chris-Seth
am i right?
What OC character are you?
created with
A-Ha! Top Five Alan Partridge Quotes.
It's an obsession...but I do consider watching Alan Patridge as mandatory to living.
1.Context: Alan is eating an apple pie that Lynn has microwaved for him.
Quote: Alan: "How long did you put it in for?"
Lynn: "8 minutes."
Alan: "It's hotter than THE SUN!"
2.Context: Alan depressed and talking to Michael at the pub.
Quote: Alan: "I wish I'd be at bit more spontaneous. Sometimes I feel like going out, stealing a traffic cone, putting it on my head and saying, "Look at me, I'm a giant witch.""
3.Context: Alan, Sonja and Lynn are in his Lexus driving to the country club.
Quote: Alan: "Dan's a great man. I was talking to him today on the phone and he was asking me what phone I have and I said a Motorola Timeport and he said 'that's SAAAAAADDDDD! you need to upgrade' and I said 'so do you to a new face!' He nearly soiled himself he said he was laughing so hard, he had Kenco coming out of his nostrils and that made me laugh... But my nostrils were clear..."
4.Context: Alan is ecsaping his stalker.
Stalker: "I'll see you next week then?"
Alan: "No way you spastic, you're a mentalist!"
5. Context: Unimportant
Quote: Alan: "Smell my cheese you mother!!"
Sunday, June 05, 2005
A Quiet One...
I've recently been wondering if the party girl I used to be has gone AWOL. At Uni and back in Manchester I earned myself titles as "Stella Bird" "Human Barrell" and "That Girl Makes Everyone Else Drunk." I even was part of the "5AM Crew." However I fear that this zeal is being slowly trickling out of me to the point where in a couple of years, I will have turned into my mother. (Half a shandy at Christmas that gets me wankered and in bed by 9pm always as if ordered there by Nazis.)
In Osaka I was up for some nighttime fun but was so drained by our frantic schedules that I was in bed before midnight most nights. Louise and Selena put me to shame partying all night and managing Universal Studios the next day. But the strange thing is that when they told me about their night I wished I had the energy of course but didn't regret my decision to stay in. It simply was the best way to get the most out of our theme park day. I never used to have such practicality embedded within me. I think I'm becoming...whats the word? Oh yeah, sensible.
This scares me a bit. Makes me feel old. I used to have boundless enthusiasm for going out, saw it full of possibilities-you could meet someone amazing, hear an fabulous new band, gain some injuries, laugh till your stomach hurt ect ect. I do realise these possibilities still exist. But now I dash the scope for fun and face up to the fact that when you go out you're most likely to get ripped off/feel inadequate/get claustraphobic/meet someone sleazy and socially awkward ect ect.
This weekend the plan was to go to Hagi for a beach party. But I simply fancied some down time doing ---- all without any hassle. My inner voice shouting "you boring sod" doesnt get as much attention as he used to. So I had some great food and interesting conversation with Angela on Friday and attended a very low key acoustic night at Gotcha on Saterday that was about as rocking as Rolf Harris knitting. (The acoustic stuff, not Angela. She's as rocking as Rolf Harris ruling the world.) No inappropriate people, no falling over, no liver damaging. And I enjoyed it. I liked being sober and together and lucid. I've been listening to belle and sebastian and the magic numbers. My Korn and Sex Pistols cds are getting dusty on my shelf. Some new nicknames will have to be given. Or hopefully my lust for life will be rekindled...Maybe the next post will be a back to basics "rolling around in the dirt drunk" type recap. Watch this space.
I Got Chills...
One of my favourite weird things about Japan-you can pay by the minute or even hour to go to a "Love Hotel" which has theme rooms-under the sea, karaoke and god knows what else.
Its on my list of things to do before I leave Japan.
Anyway this is a very bizarre one spotted in "America Village" in Osaka. Doesn't a ten foot Mr Frosty get you in the mood for romance? And note its 280Yen (about One pound 50p!)for 10 minutes. Bargain!

Rent Boys
Spotted this in Osaka. As far as I understand These boys are for rent as hosts (they pour your drink and tell you you look young ect-more popular the other way round over here)They clearly get a discounted rate at the same (terrible) hairdressers. My fav is "Jumbo", wonder if he lives up to his name...

Thursday, June 02, 2005
A Slight backtrack...
Of course I am an over generalising bitch and there are some fabulous people who have a good mixture of the above packaged with a wicked sense of humour, a lot of whom I got to see over the weekend and had great fun with. Highlights included;
1.Getting locked in my hotel bathroom when pissed when I suddenly lost the ability to find the doorknob (it was dark) thanks Jeanette for saving me!
2.Doing universal studios and being as excitable as a small child on crack throughout the day-thanks Lauren, Ellen, Selena and Louise for being as ridiculously eager as me.
3.People indulging me with drinking games including concentration (category slang for penis-erins answer “mr hello.” Priceless.)
4.Boring lectures being made fun by people doing manic alan partridge impersonations (Tom), playing hangman with me (Loz) amazing me with their artistic talents (Jess) and pointing out the weirdos/hotties (Sarah)
5.Discussing at length each others best features, perfect partners, favourite same sex celebrities, chat up techniques, stalker moments and interesting things we’ve had in our hair (Dan, Victoria, Chris, Loz and Jess)
The socialities would have only been made better by Kirk and Angela being there, you 2 were sadly missed. (and proved popular in the "JET you'd most like to shag of the same sex" game.)
Try hards, Beiges,J-wannabes and Trendys:A JET Demographic
Last weekend I went to Osaka for a great weekend before spending 3 days at the re-contractors conference for JETs in Kobe. I could give a quippy run down of the highs and the lows and the tos and the fros of the last few days but balls to that...I'd rather indulge in a bit of character assassination instead.
1000ish JETs in one place equals a hell of a good time. Because these people have managed to get the job in the first place its pretty much given that they’re mildly friendly and interesting. However this can be a huge pain in the arse as well as a guaranteed fun fest. It was during an extremely dull and useless lecture that I decided there are basically four types of JET.
1. the try hard. Much akin to a aerobics instructor, these happy chappys are super genki. To the point where you’d like to sedate them.
Likely to say: “Hi!!!!!!!!! What’s your name and where are you from??????”
Not likely to say: “sorry I can’t be arsed talking to you."
Probably: American
Distinguishing features; full beam smile so bright you’re practically blinded.
2.the beige. Perfectly nice, perfectly pleasant...that’s it. Humour? Are you in there?!
Likely to say: “I don’t mind.”
Not likely to say: “Wouldn’t half shag that”
Probably: a mormon
Distinguishing features: eerily clam expression, slacks and trainers fashion crime.
3. the j-wannabe. Think you can speak Japanese ok after 10 months? Well this person would love to correct you; they have lots of Japanese friends you know and end all their sentences with yo or ne just to prove how clued up they really are. Patronising gits.
Likely to say; “Gaijins are so uncivilised…”
Not likely to say: “Cant wait to go back home/I was a virgin until I seduced some poor J-girl.”
Probably: Didn’t fit in in their own country
Distinguishing features: kanji tshirt, bad facial hair.
4. the trendy. These types are too cool for school-que funky accessories and party antics. Wanna be in their gang? You may not be a cool enough. Pop culture alcofrolic know it all.
Likely to say: “Do you know what film I just quoted from?”
Not likely to say: “Its ok if you don’t want to get drunk tonight.”
Probably: Not as clued up as they seem
Distinguishing features; anime/band tshirt, ipod/walkman